What Type of Traveler Are You?

Have you ever taken those fun quizzes online that tell you which city or country you were meant to live in, or what “type” of traveler you are? Do you enjoy the hustle and excitement of a big city and love stepping out of your comfort zone to try new foods? You belong in Tokyo! Do you like to see & do as much as possible when visiting a new destination, sometimes without a concrete plan in place? You’re a Stamp Collector!

I love those too, but often find myself liking multiple answers or occasionally none at all. Just like in life/love/school/career/family/religion/etc., we don’t all fit into one pre-set box or category. And the bigger question is...who made those damn boxes anyway?! 

**If you have no clue what I’m talking about, I’d recommend checking one out (try https://www.digitaltravelacademy.com/quiz/) - they’re a fun distraction if nothing else!

When it comes to travel, we may fit into one, many, or none of the generic categories. Our priorities and needs change just like our lives do. While one trip may be focused around adventure and being active, we might want the next trip to be all about relaxing on a beach. It’s okay to enjoy both! As we emerge from this pandemic, some might be more comfortable with a domestic road trip rather than a long-haul international getaway. Also okay! Solo travel is obviously very different than traveling with a friend or partner. Both are fun! Wherever you go and however you do it, travel is important and worthwhile. 

When I travel, I love meeting locals and learning about their lives. Where do I find that easiest to do? Bars, obviously. Whether I’m in Sydney, South Africa, or South Dakota, grabbing a bar stool and chatting up the bartender about his/her/their story is a favorite pastime. Luckily it’s also one of Dave’s favorites, so when we travel together, the odds are VERY good that we’ll make some new friends along the way. 

Now I realize that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It may sound horrible to you - actually talking to people you don’t know?!? 😱 I get it. Sometimes my extroverted-introvert self is NOT in the mood to make conversation with anyone, let alone a stranger. Sometimes I just want a rum punch, the sound of the waves hitting the shore, and a gorgeous sunset. (Let’s be honest, I ALWAYS want those things.) And guess what? Yep, that’s OKAY!

That being said, to travel is to push yourself. It gets you out of your comfort zone, your normal routine. By learning about someone who lives in this place you’ve chosen to visit, you are expanding what you know about that destination. You can read all the travel books you want and get all the expertise in the world from your travel agent (which is a huge bonus to booking with an agent, FYI), but nothing beats asking a local where they like to go after work for drinks, or what their favorite restaurant/beach/farmers market/etc. is. While it won’t always match with what you like, it’s something new, something local, and something not found in a book. 

Dave and I recently met the owner of a local restaurant/bar, just down the street from the house we rented in Barbados. We had been there a few times for drinks/apps, and Peter was always there with a smile on his face and eager to chat. Learning that Peter was also a chef, we asked him where we should go to find good produce, as the big supermarket nearby was overpriced and seriously lacking in options or quality. Instead of just pointing us to a neighborhood or store, Peter invited us to join him a few days later when he went to the markets himself. Food shopping with a local chef?! Yes, please!

Dave & Peter, chatting about peppers and avocados.

Dave & Peter, chatting about peppers and avocados.

We met him at 7am at the restaurant, rode with him to drop off his daughter Leah at school, and proceeded to Bridgetown where he guided us on which stands or stores had the freshest fruit and the best deals. We ended up with bags of goodies (avocados to DIE for 😍) for a fraction of what it would’ve cost us in other spots. As we headed home, he even brought us on a slight detour into “the country” to see where he lived and where he’d recommend buying land if we were so inclined... 😉. And if THAT wasn’t enough, he heard we loved hummus, so the next time we walked by the restaurant, the staff had a HUGE container of Peter’s specialty, homemade garlic hummus, waiting for us 😍😍😍.

Why yes, I WILL eat all the hummus. Thank you, Peter!!!

Why yes, I WILL eat all the hummus. Thank you, Peter!!!

Obviously you won’t always find a Peter. But just imagine how much you might learn from that local sitting down the bar from you. And who knows...it may change your perspective on the destination itself, or perhaps even the type of traveler you are or want to be. 

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