Finding Happiness in Planning Travel

Disclaimer: I can’t confirm if Albert Einstein actually said this, but I like the sentiment.

Disclaimer: I can’t confirm if Albert Einstein actually said this, but I like the sentiment.

Is anyone tired of hearing about these “unprecedented times”? Not knowing what the future holds can be scary. We’re all tired of the terms lockdown, stay-at-home, social distancing – and especially homeschooling! 😳

Plans have had to be postponed or even cancelled. Birthdays, anniversaries, and funerals have taken place in relative isolation. Wedding vows have been exchanged over Zoom or ceremonies have been pushed to a later date. Honeymoons, family vacations, bucket list adventures – trips that we’ve been looking forward to for so long are now even further away.

We’ve all probably heard the quote about life being 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we react to it. It’s definitely applicable now, particularly in relation to travel plans. Yes, you may have had to postpone your trip. But instead of being sad about having to wait longer to travel, why not focus on the extra time you get to look forward to that adventure?! You have more time to read about the country/state/city you’re visiting; more time to research local restaurants or follow new Instagram accounts; and more time for your travel designer to plan some extra surprises for you! 🙂

A 2019 study by industry marketing and research firm MaCher asked the question, “When does travel make us happy?” While you might think people are typically happiest during their actual travels, MaCher found that 50% of a customer’s happiness actually comes prior to their planned trip. It’s the anticipation, the dreaming, that brings most of the joy. Another 35% of that happiness comes once we return, as we look back on everything we were able to see and experience. Only 15% of our happiness in relation to a trip is actually while we’re traveling.

Obviously everyone is different and looks at travel in their own way. Personally, I love planning travel – which is a good thing since I do it for a living! Whether it’s a weekend trip to a National Park or to explore a new city – or a bigger trip like taking my mom to Africa for the first time – I love having something to look forward to outside of my normal routine, something new to learn and experience in the world. Based on MaCher’s research, the sooner we can start planning a trip, the earlier that happiness scale can kick in!

While we all wait and see what will happen with this pandemic and what the future of travel will look like, don’t forget to keep dreaming! Even if you don’t plan to travel for another year or more, start talking to a travel designer now to get ideas. Travel specialists are here to help you understand how the industry is adjusting to a post-pandemic world, to help find you the hidden gem locations, the off-the-beaten-path experiences, and the private villas/lodges that will make you feel comfortable traveling again. We are here to make sure you stay excited about travel, and to stay inspired!

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